Strength in Numbers

At the Church Pension Group (CPG), we spend many hours managing, monitoring, and stress testing our financial strength, because our ability to pay benefits is the core of our work.

Stock market fluctuations over the past several months have had an impact on the value of our investment portfolio. However, we remain confident in our ability to keep our commitments for the following reasons:

  • We have a highly-qualified team of investment professionals who know how to navigate market volatility.
  • We deploy a longstanding investment strategy that helps us weather storms in the financial markets.
  • We take a disciplined approach to planning and expense management that keeps our spending in check; we spend only what we need to in order to create value for our clients in a professional, compassionate, and trustworthy way.

Roger Sayler, our Chief Investment Officer, and Ellen Taggart, our Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, provide leadership in these areas.

Market Volatility—A Fact of Life

Roger Sayler, Chief Investment Officer, believes investors can prepare for and manage through market volatility.

“Our investment process ensures that we are well positioned to identify investment opportunities during market disruptions.”

Roger Sayler

Chief Investment Officer

Controlling Costs with Tough Questions

Ellen Taggart, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, believes asking the right questions is the first step to ensuring financial discipline across the Church Pension Group.

“We need to be really smart about how efficiently and effectively we use the money we take in from the Church so that we can to deliver the highest value back to our clients.”

Ellen Taggart

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer