Year in Review

Message from The Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees

Every year, the Board sets ambitious goals that align with CPG’s long-term vision of providing the highest possible level of income in retirement consistent with our fiduciary responsibility and with the evolving needs of The Episcopal Church.


The Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees

Lay and ordained leaders, experienced investment managers, business and professional leaders, attorneys, and accountants are among the professions represented on the Board. They come from diverse experiences, but share a common love for the The Episcopal Church and a desire to serve its people.

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Church Pension Group Officers & Principal Outside Advisors

CPG’s executive leadership team works closely with the Board in determining the strategic direction of the organization, which drives the efforts of all officers and their units.

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Management Changes

Whether celebrating promotions or retirements after long, rich careers, CPG remains a vibrant organization in which employees thrive as they serve those who serve The Episcopal Church.

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Other CPG Highlights

From discussing shareholder engagement in Seattle and integrating clerics from Cuba into our international pension plan to introducing new web self-service capabilities and lowering the cost of specialty medications, CPG had a busy and successful year.

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Fast Facts

How much did CPG collect in assessments? What did we pay out in pension, medical supplement, and life insurance bene­fits? Find out—and much more.

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Audited Financial Statements

CPG continually recalibrates our financial discipline across the organization so that we can return the highest value possible back to those who serve The Episcopal Church.

View Financial Statements